The start of summer normally means concerts, days at the beach and BBQs are on the calendar for many. This summer has felt a little different but the addition of physically distanced events has helped bring that summer feeling back to our lives. Everyone remembers that first concert-of-the-season feeling, and the Live On Stage, Drive-In Concerts at the Fairgrounds brings that right back.
Our first two weekends of Drive-In Concerts were a hit with people dancing and singing along in their car spot. Feeling the music in person rather than just listening via the radio makes all the difference. The best moment during these concerts is when a song ends and enthusiastic concert goers honk with joy!
Getting a car together of your family or friends in your same bubble allows for summer fun while safely distancing from other concert goers. Spending time with friends and family is one of the best parts of summer and getting creative on how we do that this summer makes it even more fun.
Our survey says, Fair food is the NUMBER 1 reason folks say they come to our Fair. Between Food Trucks and the Fair Food meal available for purchase, we have had some very happy customers! The Fair Food options make the concert a fantastic summer night.
The Food Trucks available and the meals available for purchase with the parking ticket make the concert an entire evening experience. Getting out of the house these days, for even the simplest of things, helps us unwind for even just a moment. A Live On Stage, Drive-In Concert is the perfect way to participate in a classic summer fun activity while also feeling good about the outings you choose. Whatever genre of music you are a fan of most, a concert experience this summer is one to not miss out on.