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Retail Vendor Application

We have moved our online application. Please click on the button below to be taken to the new form.

Applications are now open for the 2024 Fair! Apply now and secure your spot.

This application does not automatically reserve exhibit space and is valid for the 2024 Alameda County Fair only. All questions on the application must be answered before consideration can be given.

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Only professional looking displays will be considered. In order to maintain a balance of Commercial Exhibits, space is offered based on product or service, display, and needs of the Fair, rather than date of application. Space is limited.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Allowed extensions: .jpg,.png,.pdf,.jpeg

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Rates (flat rate - no percentages)
Rates are based on location, space size, cost per square foot and are for the run of Fair unless otherwise noted.

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Locations are determined by Fair Management. Every attempt will be made to place vendors in a location most favorable for their product or service.

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If you require trailer space please provide the following information.

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List one or two shows/fairs in which you have participated
Event #1

Event #2

Please Note:

  • Exhibitor, at its sole cost, must provide all furniture, carpet, fixtures, decorations and signs.
  • All exhibits must remain open throughout Fair hours. NO EXCEPTIONS
  • If selected, Exhibitor must provide or purchase general liability insurance coverage listing Alameda County Fairgrounds as additionally insured.
  • Exhibitor must provide proof of either workers' compensation insurance or occupational accident insurance coverage.

Exhibit space is subject to availability. All applications will receive due consideration. All decisions to select exhibitors for contracted exhibit space shall be at the sole discretion of the Alameda County Agricultural Fair Association, which reserves the right to contract with businesses that display unique and innovative products and services. Please contact with any questions.

The undersigned agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the Alameda County Agricultural Fair Association in the event a Commercial Exhibits contract is offered. The undersigned further agrees and acknowledges that this is an application for Commercial Exhibit space and NOT a contract.

Clear Signature
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Marker's Market

Artists, Crafters & Collectors!

Book your space – locations now open.

Maker’s Market is a Fair-time market place where artisans of all types showcase and sell their best to thousands of shoppers. 
Reserve your exhibitor 10×10 (or more) space today (check the box under “Space” on the application). Sell your items one week or all four.

Interested in selling your craft at other events and festivals held on the Fairgrounds, email to find out about opportunities.